Sunflare 126W Flexible Solar Panel

Regular price $549.00
Make Solar Kit

Sunflare modules are more flexible than silicon-based solar panels. That makes them easier to install and eliminates the micro-cracking that silicon cells experience after the flexing of sport and recreational driving. Micro-cracking compromises the electrical integrity and reduces the power output of the panels over time.

In addition, the Sunflare panels are better in partial shade. Each cell has a bypass diode so that only the shaded cell turns off. Other panels are set in strings so that if one cell in a string is shaded, the whole string goes out. Depending where the shade is hitting, the whole panel can be knocked out.

We also offer this solar panel in two kit options to eliminate the guesswork. The kit we recommend is the same kit we use in our Toyota Tacoma (our Tacoma utilizes the Sunflare 180w Solar Panel).

Essentials Solar Kit:

Standard Solar Kit:

This kit provides everything you need to install the solar panel to the Victron Smart Solar Charge Controller. The Victron BMV-700 Battery Monitor is not required for installation but does allow you to monitor vital statistics such as how much you are generating, how much you are using, battery voltage, and more. It also allows you to use the VictronConnect Smart Phone All to check the status and history.
Please note that due to the differences in vehicles and installation locations, you will be responsible for the wiring that connects the smart solar charge controller to your car battery battery.

Technical Specifications:

  • Maximum Power Point: Pmpp 126W
  • Maximum Power Point Tolerance: ±5%
  • Maximum Power Point Voltage: Vmpp 19.53V
  • Maximum Power Point Current: Impp 6.2A
  • Open Circuit Voltage: Voc 25.2V
  • Short Circuit Voltage: Isc 7.4A
  • Maximum Power Point Temp. Coeff.: 0.4%/C°


  • 2-year workmanship warranty
  • 90% efficiency output for first 10 years
  • 80% efficiency output 11-25 years